Monday, August 17, 2015

A Big Slump...

Sorry folks, I've taken a few days off from blogging.  As I mentioned previously, I get fired up for projects then I kinda fizzle out like a cheap sparkler on the Fourth of July. Not that I don't love writing, it's probably second to my love of video. It's just that I have had a lot of personal issues going on lately. Nothing that I care to divulge into though. It seems like a daily struggle as single parent and one that shouldn't bother me so much, financial issues.

I have a fairly easy job, close to home and make a modest salary. Seems like the problem is that I can't make the paychecks stretch like I used to! Way back when I made less money and smoked Marlboro Lights like they're going out of style. Those days I wasn't getting child support either so I had to learn how to make things work. I think the biggest problem is that I'm a worry wart. A big time worrier. I seem to worry about things that I shouldn't which is a whole lot easier said than done.

So here I sit at Midnight typing on my MacBook when I should be slobbering on my pillow, don't judge I snore lol. Not a lot has happened since the last time we talked. Had a crappy weekend, didn't do much. I find myself doing more and more of that every weekend. Maybe one day I'll break out of that slump as well.

I've been chatting with an old classmate that I had in some online courses with at Full Sail. We were picked to do a project once and have been friends ever since! It helps that she is a single parent too, she has three girls as well. Coincidence huh lol? Nice to have someone to chat with and just have normal conversations with that knows the struggle. Plus we both have a passion for video and writing.

The girls are doing good in school, I'm still praying that this school year will be one of the best we've had. Going to be different not seeing Erica playing basketball this year. She's going to be busy with other things, I don't know if Emily will be playing or not. I think Erin and her want to play so we will see.

I need to start making daily vlogs, be looking for those soon!

Till next time, I leave you with the newest song on my playlist. It may or may not have been directly related to the Alabama Alpha Phi video. Hey, I'm serious the remix version is a catchy tune!

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